

A Slovenian company focused on developing advanced electronic components has implemented an innovative heating and cooling system that utilizes waste heat and groundwater. By installing three high-performance KRONOTERM water-to-water heat pumps WPG 110, the company has successfully optimized energy use in its business premises.

In its business and production facilities, the company introduced a state-of-the-art heating and cooling system that harnesses waste heat. To bring this ambitious energy solution to life, they selected high-performance KRONOTERM WPG 110 water-to-water heat pumps, which operate using groundwater. 

Energy Optimization Through Geothermal Efficiency 

The system has a total capacity of 300 kW, with a planned second phase to expand capacity to over 500 kW. The solution includes three WPG 110 water-to-water heat pumps integrated with advanced system control. 


The system is designed to fully meet the company’s heating and cooling requirements while ensuring precise temperature control and efficient system regulation. This approach contributes to energy optimization and reduces operating costs. 


A Future-Oriented Solution

When implementing this energy-efficient system, the company remained committed to environmental protection. “We focus on providing a safe and healthy working environment while actively prioritizing sustainability. Our aim is to minimize environmental impact and maintain clean, healthy living conditions,” they highlight. 


The company’s solution demonstrates responsible management of natural resources, meeting today’s energy needs while safeguarding resources for future generations. 


Choose solutions that contribute to environmental protection and optimize your business operations. Contact us for more information. 

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