

Our planet has counted millions of years. It has gone through various periods, catastrophes, and weather phenomena. However, it has never changed as rapidly as in the last few decades, especially concerning the environment. Due to the industrial revolution and the increased exploitation of Earth's resources, we have pushed nature to the brink of survival. The Earth needs our help, an immediate cessation of pollution in both air and soil, with waste reduction and lowering greenhouse gas emissions being two of the most crucial actions. So that, in the end, we can survive too.

Greenhouse gases are mostly a result of human activities. Due to increased industry, agriculture, and infrastructure, greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise every year. A significant portion of greenhouse gas emissions comes from heating using fossil fuels (e.g., oil, gas), while the emission of solid particles into the air is a result of burning solid fuels in heating devices (e.g., wood, coal).

Heating with fossil fuels also contributes to rapid environmental warming. Fossil fuels release CO2 gas into the air, which is one of the reasons for atmospheric warming. Due to excessive amounts of greenhouse gases, the Earth’s temperature rises, leading to climate change. Oceans and forests, due to their increasing pollution, are unable to perform the crucial function of removing CO2 from the atmosphere.

Heat pumps are the best solution to both problems, reducing CO2 emissions and decreasing solid particles because they do not produce them. Heat pumps are the most environmentally friendly way of heating.


Heat pumps achieve the highest energy class. They produce much fewer CO2 emissions than fossil fuels and heating boilers. When used in combination with solar energy, the heat pump has zero emissions, making it 100% environmentally friendly in terms of air pollution. This allows for complete self-sufficiency and a smaller individual carbon footprint.


For its operation, the heat pump utilizes renewable energy sources, specifically water, air, or ground. The share of electrical energy it consumes solely for operation is on average barely 30%. The remaining 70% of thermal energy comes from renewable sources. Newer and higher-quality heat pumps are even more efficient, meaning the share of consumed electrical energy for operation can be even lower.


The green advantage of heat pumps is also their multifunctionality, as one device can perform three different functions: space heating, domestic hot water heating, and cooling. This saves both on electricity consumption and on production (one device instead of three).


Zero greenhouse gas emissions mean savings on chimney sweeping services, which, frankly, are not so cheap either. A heat pump heating system requires no chimney cleaning. Many wonder about groundwater, whether it is polluted by the heat pump. Absolutely not, groundwater is not polluted, nor does the temperature of the groundwater increase.


At KRONOTERM, we recognize the importance of sustainable development and, therefore, strive for environmentally friendly solutions. The ADAPT heat pump is one such solution, as it is built from recyclable materials and is exceptionally efficient. Compared to other heating methods, with the ADAPT heat pump, you can save up to 106,646 CO2 emissions in 15 years. If we equate this sum to trees, you can save up to 533 trees in the same timeframe. ADAPT also uses a completely new refrigerant, R452b, for the first time, which does not harm the ozone and has a 67% lower carbon footprint than existing refrigerants.



Raising public awareness about the impact of fossil fuels on our planet and, secondarily, on our health is virtually crucial. Too few people still realize that extracting and transporting fossil fuels is a highly hazardous process. With small measures, such as replacing the heating system with a more sustainable and eco-friendly version, we can make a significant difference for ourselves and our community.


If you’ve ever wondered what you can do for a cleaner and healthier environment and a safer future for future generations, one of the answers is simple – choose a heat pump! According to 2018 data, the carbon footprint of each resident of Slovenia is a substantial 8.4 tons of CO2. While our performance is relatively good on a global scale (for example, in the USA, this value is twice as high), we all still need to strive for a lower figure in the future.


By choosing our heat pump, you take an additional step in adopting more sustainable measures. Local production translates to savings in CO2 due to reduced transportation. Firstly, because our heat pumps are made in Slovenia, eliminating the need to transport them from the other side of the world to your location. Secondly, there is no need for annual fuel transportation when using oil, wood, or pellets.


Your contribution to a lower carbon footprint and the preservation of the planet can be quite straightforward. By upgrading your heating system, which, in addition to its environmental value, is also cost-effective in the long run compared to all other heating methods.


If you would like to have safe, affordable, carefree, and environmentally friendly heating, you need additional information or personal advice, feel free to contact us!

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