

A young family has built their first independent home in a small village. In the desire for simple and cost-effective heating for their 125-square-meter house and to support Slovenian manufacturers, they chose our ADAPT heat pump.
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Building Type: New construction

Building Size: 125 m2

Year of Construction: 2020

Heat Pump Model: ADAPT 0312-K3 HT / HK 3F N

Heating Method: Underfloor heating

Operating Scheme: 1. heating circuit

Heating System: Air/water

Control: KT-2A, Cloud.KRONOTERM

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KT_Pancur (8)

A young family has built their first independent home in a small village . In the desire for simple and cost-effective heating for their 125-square-meter house and to support Slovenian manufacturers, they chose our ADAPT heat pump.


Owner Primož and his partner decided to create their new home in a small village. They chose a modern-style prefabricated house that is just the right size for a small family with one child and possibly more in the future. The house is one story and measures 125 square meters, completed in the year 2020.

Comfort, simplicity, and the desire to choose Slovenian products influenced the selection of our heat pump. They opted for the ADAPT air/water heat pump, which heats and cools spaces and provides hot water. During construction, they also used the floor drying function enabled by the ADAPT heat pump, allowing for faster drying of floor screeds.




“When building the house, my partner and I aimed to choose Slovenian companies, so the final decision was KRONOTERM. We had three different providers, and KRONOTERM seemed the most reliable during the presentations,” Primož shared. He added that they consulted with acquaintances who were building their homes at the same time before making the decision. “We chose the ADAPT heat pump for its efficiency, extremely quiet operation, the small indoor unit that takes up little space, and its user-friendly operation.” The heat pump has been in use for a year and a half. “We are very satisfied with the KRONOTERM heat pump and have had no issues,” Primož added.


Considering that their house is of smaller size with good thermal insulation and triple-glazed windows, significant heating costs were not expected. However, the highly efficient ADAPT heat pump allows for truly low heating costs. “In one heating season, we spent approximately 2300 kWh of electricity,” Primož happily stated. It’s almost as much as some families pay for telecommunications and internet services monthly. “After a year of use, I can confirm that the heating costs are indeed as initially presented to us,” he added.


He monitors consumption using our advanced application. “The CLOUD.KRONOTERM app is excellent,” he says. They set the heat pump to 22 degrees Celsius in winter and switch to the summer mode in the summer, which only maintains the temperature. Primož says he likes the device’s operation overview and that it allows for adjustments when they are away from home.



Many would be horrified by the thought of placing a heat pump near a child’s bedroom window, as noise is still a concern when choosing a device. The owner from the small village made sure that a heat pump can be installed near the child’s bedroom window, as it is almost silent. “In our case, the outdoor unit is in close proximity to the child’s room window, but you never hear any noise.” The ADAPT heat pump is one of the quietest heat pumps in Europe, quieter than the operation of a refrigerator. Many people have to get very close to check if it’s even working.


For new buildings, installing a heat pump next to pre-prepared supply pipes takes only one day. “Installation and assembly were quick and easy, with no major interventions. We installed the outdoor unit on a KRONOTERM concrete base,” Primož said. The device was started up the day after installation.


Another feature that convinced Primož is its appearance: “Personally, the outdoor unit seemed visually the most beautiful among all the heat pump providers on the market.” He chose the Nero shade with a slightly glossy appearance, blending perfectly with the house’s modern architecture and anthracite color.


The entire Pančur family’s experience sounds like a fairy tale. Excellent operation of the heat pump without any complications, extremely low costs not exceeding two hundred euros, and perfect integration of the device with their new, comfortable, and safe haven.


Would you also like to experience such satisfaction and save on heating costs? Read all about our ADAPT heat pump and contact us at .

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