

On World Water Day, we cannot ignore the exceptional importance of water for our society and the ecosystem as a whole. On March 22nd, we celebrate World Water Day with the aim of raising awareness about the vulnerability of natural water resources and the preservation of water, especially drinking water.

As a society, we must be aware that water is an invaluable resource in our ecosystem, essential for our survival and the environment. It is, after all, a fundamental part of all our cells. It is crucial that we handle it with care and thrift, protect it, and appreciate its significance. The United Nations declared this day in 1993 as World Water Day. The theme of this year’s World Water Day is the value of water, for households, food, culture, as well as education and the economy.

Observing World Water Day serves as a reminder to preserve this essential natural resource, use water judiciously, and highlights the global vulnerability of natural water sources.




  • Water is a basic component of cells, tissues, and bodily fluids in living organisms. We cannot survive without water for more than 7 days.
  • Less than one percent of all the water on Earth is drinkable!
  • What we discharge into wastewater directly affects the ecological balance of water reserves, rivers, and seas.
  • Over 2 billion people lack safe access to drinking water.
  • The average household in developed countries consumes 640 liters of water per day.
  • By 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population will face water shortages.


Water is also one of the natural renewable sources of heat. This means that it is not only important for our hydration and hygiene but consequently also for our comfortable living and heating.



is one of the heat sources utilized in heating living spaces with a heat pump. The heat of groundwater is a very favorable heat source for utilization with a heat pump. Its advantage lies in a relatively constant temperature level, which is approximately between +7 and +12 °C. To harness groundwater, two wells need to be drilled in the ground near the building, one for pumping and the other for returning groundwater. It should be emphasized that groundwater is not contaminated during this process.

For pumping groundwater, a water permit is required, and the water must be chemically analyzed before starting the work. Groundwater is an ideal heat source due to its relatively high temperature, allowing for high heating performance. The installation of a water filter, balancing valve, and intermediate PIL heat exchanger contributes to the robust and innovative implementation, protecting the heat pump and other system components.



We must always be rational in water consumption, whether it’s cold or hot sanitary water. Water is not abundant in our ecosystem, so we need to be conservative in its use. This applies not only to the consumption of drinking water but also to the use of hot sanitary water.

Sanitary heat pumps enable an exceptionally rational preparation of hot sanitary water. This simple and cost-effective system allows significant savings in the costs of heating sanitary water, carefree days outside the heating season, and the option to cool smaller spaces, such as a pantry or cellar. Energy-saving in heating sanitary water also means less water pollution, creating a circular effect like water itself.

Here are some simple measures to reduce water consumption:

1. Limit your shower time to 5 minutes. Use lukewarm water, which is most suitable for the body. Avoid bathing as it involves significant water consumption.
2. Close the tap while brushing your teeth and shaving. You can save up to 60 m3 of water annually.
3. Use a dishwasher, which is more water-efficient than washing dishes by hand.
4. Ensure that washing machines and dishwashers are always full. Soak dishes and do not rinse them under running water before loading them into the dishwasher.
5. Use water used to wash fruits for watering plants.
6. Use a dual-flush toilet for flushing.
7. Use rainwater for watering gardens. Water in the morning or evening, directly at the plants, and not the entire bed.
8. Wash cars in a car wash where water consumption is lower, and wastewater is properly managed.

We’ve already revealed how to save on hot sanitary water consumption. If you also want to reduce the costs of heating hot sanitary water, you can do so with an appropriate sanitary heat pump. Contact us for more information!


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