

Can you imagine having pain and eagerly anticipating a therapeutic procedure, only to enter a cold space because someone is saving on heating? Owners of a business space in the Dolenjska region cannot fathom such situations, which is why they opted for our heat pump ADAPT, ensuring that their guests always experience warmth, with significant heating savings.
14. November, 2022


Building size: 300 m2

Construction type: New construction

Building type: Business premises with residential areas

Heating system: Underfloor heating

Heat pump type: ADAPT 0416-K3 HT / HK 3F

Heat source: Air/water

Hot water consumption: 27 m3/month

Operating scheme: 2nd heating circuit

Control: Room controller KT-2A

Heating of a Business-Residential Building


Heat pumps are suitable for various properties, not only for residential purposes. Our devices heat numerous businesses, large industrial facilities, small commercial spaces, as well as offices and cottages. Among diverse properties, there are also several healthcare and nursing institutions or spaces. One such institution is located in small village in Slovenia.


“The building was purchased in the third construction phase. The reconstruction of the building was carried out in 2020. The ground floor houses physiotherapy, offices, and technical rooms. The upper floor and attic are intended for the residence of athletes,” said the owner of the building. The structure was originally built in 2000, covering an area of 300 square meters. Of this, 100 square meters constitute business premises, while the remaining part comprises residential areas for accommodating clients during multi-day rehabilitation. The owner revealed that their space is suitable for up to nine people.


Due to the nature of their work and, of course, their clients, comfort and a pleasant atmosphere are of utmost importance. The owners chose our heat pump for its quality, service, and quiet operation. The ADAPT heat pump was recommended by the installer, and they were particularly convinced by the optimal performance of the award-winning heat pump. The owners have great trust and currently own two of our devices. The owner disclosed that they also decided to install heating in their private property. “Both investments were carried out simultaneously,” the owner added.


Before deciding on our heat pump, they also considered district heating. “The investment was too high because the connection was distant, and there were issues with digging up the road.” The installation of heat pumps in most cases does not require drastic interventions or changes to the boiler room in already constructed buildings. The ADAPT heat pump is also extremely compact and does not take up much space, neither outside nor in the boiler room or the space designated for the heating appliance. “We placed the heat pump in the designated space, and no adjustments were needed,” the owner explained regarding the device installation.



The ADAPT heat pump is aesthetically perfected. The design of the heat pump, complementing functionality and efficiency, has set a new direction in the field of heat pumps. The design truly sets us apart from competing devices, departing from the traditional appearance of such appliances. This is confirmed by the owner from , who chose the Nero color for the external unit: “The external unit has a beautiful modern look compared to other manufacturers.”


A meticulously designed device is intended to blend with the surroundings, being as inconspicuous as possible while not causing any disturbance. The ADAPT heat pump is one of the quietest pumps in Europe. Silence is even more critical for business properties, as they wouldn’t want clients complaining about noise. The owner is satisfied and states that the heat pumps are not heard at all.


They maintain a temperature of 22 degrees Celsius in the premises, which is the most optimal for the human body. In addition to heating the spaces, the ADAPT heat pump also heats the domestic hot water needed for accommodation users and for the provision of health services. They have a 300-liter hot water storage tank. The owner revealed that they consume 27 cubic meters of water per month.


Simple use and maintenance are synonymous with heat pumps. Compared to heating with fossil fuels, there is almost no work involved. Control is easy through the CLOUD.KRONOTERM application from anywhere and anytime. The owners currently do not use our application but will start using it now. The owner explains that internet connectivity was not available during the startup of the devices in any of the buildings.


Do you also want high savings, always pleasant temperatures in your home, and flawless operation of the heating system? Contact us.

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